14 November 2006

THE BROWN'S BAR BARCASTS. This is the fifth and final barcast of the "New York and the Cocktail" series that traces the cocktail's development in New York from the 1880s to 1890s, with demonstrations by historian Dave Wondrich and mixologists Michael Waterhouse and Dale DeGroff making classics from the period. Click here to download video podcast as an .MOV file.
THE BROWN'S BAR BARCASTS. This is the fourth barcast of the "New York and the Cocktail" series that traces the cocktail's development in New York from the 1880s to 1890s, with demonstrations by historian Dave Wondrich and mixologists Michael Waterhouse and Dale DeGroff making classics from the period. Click here to download video podcast as an .MOV file.
THE BROWN'S BAR BARCASTS. This is the third barcast of the "New York and the Cocktail" series that traces the cocktail's development in New York from the 1840s to 1880s, with demonstrations by historian Dave Wondrich and mixologists Michael Waterhouse and Dale DeGroff making classics from the period. Click here to download video podcast as an .MOV file.
THE BROWN'S BAR BARCASTS. This is the second barcast of the "New York and the Cocktail" series that traces the cocktail's development in New York from the 1820s to 1840s, with demonstrations by historian Dave Wondrich and mixologists Michael Waterhouse and Dale DeGroff making classics from the period. Click here to download video podcast as an .MOV file.